Click here for My Blogs
I am just a guy who loves to build things,
From Products to Relationships. Constantly upgrading myself physically and mentally.

I aim to bring balance to this universe (Not Like Thanos, of course...) by spreading knowledge and love.
Currently Pursuing a Graduate Program in CS at the University of California Riverside and my current GPA is 4.0/4.0

Completed my Bachelor's at Vellore Institute of Technology with a CGPA of 8.38/10 in 2023.

I did my 12th Grade at National Public School where I got 93.8% in the CBSE examination in 2019.

Finished my 10th Grade at Velammal Vidhyashram with a CGPA of 10.0 in 2017.

My first project at UCR, where we identify scooters inside a class environment as it is illegal to bring scooters to class and also count the number of students in class to find out who is proxying. The link to our data can be found on Roboflow where we manually clicked pictures in our college and labelled them using Roboflow's Polygon Annotation tool. We used Yolov8 since it is one of the best and latest Object detection models out there. All the results can be seen in the COLAB file and if you would like to run this project you would need to run the test.py file after installing all the dependencies that are required to run Yolov8 and you should also have best.pt which are the weights after training from Colab as I didn't wanna destroy my laptop :) If you run into errors it might be because you haven't changed source to as we used an IP camera to predict data in realtime so change it back to that and you are all good to go!!! We also had an opportunity to test our project live inside a classroom, so we did do it. Here is the demo of our project:- Link

You can find our repository over here

My most recent project was done in Collaboration with my VIT Professor and Sasnevi Company where I built a system that uses Soil Chromatogram images to identify the physical, chemical and organic components of the Soil using ML and CNN model typically VGG16.

I also deployed this project using Next Js and AWS EC2 for backend. Unfortunately the product is only available for certain users but you can have a look at the website here

I interned at Latracal Solutions for two months where I built Wordpress plugin tools like FAQ blocks etc. in the Grigora Kit using React JS and PHP.

It is currently available here

I was also a Research Intern at VIT Chennai where I worked under Professor Radhika Selvamani and published two papers under two different conferences for identifying Hate Speech, Gender, and Communal Bias in texts in different languages using models like LSTM.

It is currently available here

I was the Web Development Lead of the Data Analytics Club in VIT Chennai. I was in charge of building and operating the Data Analytics Website.
I built the website using React JS and the website scrapped blogs, top news articles using flask.
It also supported uploading and registering for events etc.

The website is not currently being used but you can view it here

I also did a project on solving Class Imbalance Problems in the Datasets with some of my friends using Ensembles and Data Resampling Techniques.
We also published our work in the COMIT2022 international conference.

The link to our project and publication can be found here

Our team "No Stedi" participated in a Hackathon organized by Mercedes Benz. We made it to the top 10 teams amongst 2000+ participants for our project on a fleet management mobile application built to aid the tracking, health checks, and monitoring of buses in a fleet for the admin/fleet manager console.

The link to our position can be found here

I've also done a lot of mini projects like a blog website for one of my friend using WIX and also tried to build an AI Chatbot that can mimic our personality.

You can find most of my public projects on my Github account here

I've always been a guy who wants to give back to the society and the environment that raised me.

I took part in a campaign for saving environment, and had the privilege to paint walls of the public park with creative ideas, raising awareness.

During COVID-19 I helped a lot of people get oxygen cylinders and get funds for their medication through portals like MILAAP.
I have also donated blood in many occasions.
I'm a guy who loves to learn things. I am always learning something new be it solving a rubix cube, or learning to whistle with your hand, a simple magic trick, to spinning staffs etc.

I also try to be actively engaged so I started learning boxing, played guitar, played sports like Football, Cricket, Table Tennis, Badminton and even indoor games like Chess.
I don't just play stuffs for fun but I try to achieve something in them. For example, I have represented my school for nationals in Chess in my 9th Grade, won silver medal for Football Clusters during my 12th Grade. I also have a lot of medals for athletics.
Especially 400m races.

I always love to push my body beyond its max potential be it at the gym or running 42km marathon right after 10k.
I also love to ride my bike, travel, click pics and make videos.
Profile Pic
Click here for My Blogs
I am just a guy who loves to build things,
From Products to Relationships. Constantly upgrading myself physically and mentally.

I aim to bring balance to this universe (Not Like Thanos, of course...) by spreading knowledge and love.
Currently Pursuing a Graduate Program in CS at the University of California Riverside and my current GPA is 4.0/4.0

Completed my Bachelor's at Vellore Institute of Technology with a CGPA of 8.38 in 2023.

I did my 12th Grade at National Public School where I got 93.8% in the CBSE examination in 2019.

Finished my 10th Grade at Velammal Vidhyashram with a CGPA of 10.0 in 2017.

My first project at UCR, where we identify scooters inside a class environment as it is illegal to bring scooters to class and also count the number of students in class to find out who is proxying. We used YOLOv8, Roboflow and IP camera to achieve this. Here is the demo of our project:- Link

You can find our repository over here

Scooter Project
SoilSoil 2
My most recent project was done in Collaboration with my VIT Professor and Sasnevi Company where I built a system that uses Soil Chromatogram images to identify the physical, chemical and organic components of the Soil using ML and CNN model typically VGG16.

I also deployed this project using Next Js and AWS EC2 for backend. Unfortunately the product is only available for certain users but you can have a look at the website here

I interned at Latracal Solutions for two months where I built Wordpress plugin tools like FAQ blocks etc. in the Grigora Kit using React JS and PHP.

It is currently available here

I was also a Research Intern at VIT Chennai where I worked under Professor Radhika Selvamani and published two papers under two different conferences for identifying Hate Speech, Gender, and Communal Bias in texts in different languages using models like LSTM.

It is currently available here

I was the Web Development Lead of the Data Analytics Club in VIT Chennai. I was in charge of building and operating the Data Analytics Website.
I built the website using React JS and the website scrapped blogs, top news articles using flask.
It also supported uploading and registering for events etc.

The website is not currently being used but you can view it here

DAC Website
I also did a project on solving Class Imbalance Problems in the Datasets with some of my friends using Ensembles and Data Resampling Techniques.
We also published our work in the COMIT2022 international conference.

The link to our project and publication can be found here

Our team "No Stedi" participated in a Hackathon organized by Mercedes Benz. We made it to the top 10 teams amongst 2000+ participants for our project on a fleet management mobile application built to aid the tracking, health checks, and monitoring of buses in a fleet for the admin/fleet manager console.

The link to our position can be found here

Mercedes Hackathon
Mini Projects
I've also done a lot of mini projects like a blog website for one of my friend using WIX and also tried to build an AI Chatbot that can mimic our personality.

You can find most of my public projects on my Github account here

I've always been a guy who wants to give back to the society and the environment that raised me.

I took part in a campaign for saving environment, and had the privilege to paint walls of the public park with creative ideas, raising awareness.

During COVID-19 I helped a lot of people get oxygen cylinders and get funds for their medication through portals like MILAAP.
I have also donated blood in many occasions.
I'm a guy who loves to learn things. I am always learning something new be it solving a rubix cube, or learning to whistle with your hand, a simple magic trick, to spinning staffs etc.
I also try to be actively engaged so I started learning boxing, played guitar, played sports like Football, Cricket, Table Tennis, Badminton and even indoor games like Chess. I don't just play stuffs for fun but I try to achieve something in them. For example, I have represented my school for nationals in Chess in my 9th Grade, won silver medal for Football Clusters during my 12th Grade. I also have a lot of medals for athletics, especially 400m races.

I always love to push my body beyond its max potential be it at the gym or running 42km marathon right after 10k and I also love to ride my bike, travel, click pics and make videos.