Jan 28, 2024

Mental Health is Real!

Recently I heard a news of person attempting suicide at my university and so I wanted to put this out there so it could potentially help someone.

This is gonna be a long text but it's for people who want to come out of depression and for people who are helping others coming out and I'm pretty sure every one of you will encounter one of these situations so just take a few mins to read this.

I know how it feels, during the event that causes depression you lose breath for the first time without doing any kind of physical activity and then you lose appetite, and sleep, and the dreams haunt you. The dreams that used to be good become nightmares cuz when you wake up you are back to the real unfair world. You can't laugh, you can't even cry and nothing feels the same. I've been there but trust me it will pass.

People who are depressed, don't take any action immediately. Try not to react, I know this is difficult and I've been there but trust me, Do not react. Do not scream at the person who made you depressed. Do not hurt yourself. Do not resort to any kind of drug for relief. Just don't react for a few days. Often the most difficult part comes after a few days of the event that led to depression but during the first few days, your intrusive thoughts are at their peak. At this time there are usually people helping you, be it the death of someone close, a breakup, or failure in your career. If not, please do share it with people, if not with your parents, someone like your friend, your partner, a random stranger, a therapist, or someone.

But after a few days, they are gone and now you feel the real pain, the emptiness, the endless void that has no bounds in space and time. And in this state, you usually make an informed decision, you calculate. I don't wanna split people into sides but some people think of starting fresh and trying to be positive and take the step to move on, some people are still in the denial phase in cases of losing someone, thinking that they never lost them.

Some want to go into revenge mode and until unless it is a positive revenge like becoming rich/muscular or whatever, don't do it. Cuz this is also part of the quick reaction and does not define the person. If someone hurt your close one in an accident, it might not be his/her fault and at that point, you would want to hurt him back but let time pass and you would realize he/she too has a family and that is not the best solution. If a boss fired you, the revenge should not be to try to hurt him in ways but to become his boss. If a girl left you then if your mind is thinking of hurting her then you actually never loved her in the first place cuz if seeing her in pain gives you satisfaction then it's not love.

And finally, some calculate the scenario and compare things and they won't be able to find reasons worth enough to stay alive since life could never be better than this. Although this is the way of life and you know it very well, for example, your childhood days were the best and you can never get them back but you were always okay with that until this depressing event happens.

I'm the last one in this and trust me the Pros and Cons list did not help. But there are always these 3 main reasons to keep going.

1. Your Loved Ones Depend on You: Your Parents, people who depend on you: No matter how hard life gets and how much you have faced, if you are a good-hearted person you wouldn't want to put someone else in your state. By taking the wrong step you would put your parents or people who love you into that state. I am not gonna term people who made wrong decisions as selfish but they reacted sooner and should have waited a bit more.

2. Unfinished Business: Okay so if you have decided to end your life, think about other pieces of stuff that you did not complete, for example, If you just saw Avengers Infinity War but you have to see Avengers End Game before you go right? Or wait for LCU? Or wait for your favorite sports team like India, Argentina, RCB, or for a music concert...Just wait for a few more days that turn into months that turn into years and eventually, you will lose such thoughts.

3. Power in Desperation: If you are in this state, you are also the most powerful person on the planet since you have nothing to lose. Now is your chance to become whomever you want. You could be in the army, you can want to be the Prime minister of India cuz you are no longer scared of death threats and whatnot. You could be the boxer you always wanted to be. You can go skydiving, and try surfing in the ocean after learning how to swim and when a wave hits you and tries to drown you, you will come back up and realize that you actually wanted to live. If thinking of dying, why not just enjoy it before you go right? Why waste the money you saved? Use it to your full potential and you will realize how beautiful life is.

But this doesn't mean there is no other choice except becoming an Adrenaline Junkie but there are other ways. If you love helping people, go to ashrams, and hospitals and look at people who are suffering just like you and try helping them, it works trust me cuz that's what I am doing. There are lots of people who lost someone, lost a job, lost everything. Bringing a smile on their face is the biggest high I ever get and you could try this too.

But all these are to control your brain and thoughts, it is not necessarily practical. You can't just go skydiving the next day but have these as goals.

Again as I always say start small, initially to avoid loneliness go play some games with your friends, hit the gym as it suppresses the depression hormone for a while and so you get better sleep. Slowly try to read books, attend courses, think about a business idea or join a dance class, or whatever you love. Trust in god if you believe them as this is very powerful for people who believe. But the most important thing is uninstalling Instagram or Facebook that literally targets you with the same reels and it would plant the idea of suicide too even if you never thought about it cuz some person did it in a movie who had the same situation as you.

I would usually suggest traveling but there are usually a lot of beautiful suicide points and when you get the vehicle in your hand you are not gonna drive slow so no traveling for you guys :)

Eventually, it all magically works out. I know you won't trust me when I say this but it does. Just like the 30 kg dumbell that you thought you would never be able to carry when 20kg was hard for you or when you thought you could never swim or ride a bicycle, but you always did in the end.

So hold on folks...Ipo dha aliens lam vara start panirkanga...a lot more to see...so just hold on! And in the end you will also realize you had one of the best character development ever and that you no longer feel pain for small things and you'd have learned to enjoy the small things in life.

Let me know if it helped...If some of yll are going through something, DM me, I am always there for yll. If you would like to share stories and help people, use the comment section, this is an account for you all.

Finally, a small note to people who are helping those in need. Please do not compare. At least during the first few months, I know depressed people will repeat what they said a 1000 times but please don't compare with the people in Syria or anything. Yes, they actually do go through worse lives than us and that's a well-known fact. For a person who broke up that is nowhere close to losing a parent or a child but at that point. He/she is still at his/her lowest point and yes we need to let them know that they are not alone and everyone is going through something or the other but not immediately. Listen to them, understand them, and support them before sending all the Andrew Tate reels.

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Just another guy in the rat race trying to balance this world.

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