Mar 25, 2024

How to tweak your Astrology?

So, you're the guy who dashes to the toilet whenever your team needs a wicket, right? It's the age-old tradition, and I get it – if there's a pattern, why go against it?

But let's talk about the daily morning astrology your parents have bestowed upon you. Yes, it might hold some truth, but I'm not here to argue that. Instead, let me offer you an alternate perspective. But first, let me tell you a story.

You wake up, with work looming at 9 am. It seemed like just another ordinary day until your mom warns you, "Thambi, Dhanush Raasi iniku gandam pa" ("Little brother, Dhanush Raasi is inauspicious today"). You brush it off, thinking nothing will happen, and set off on your bike. As you're cruising to the office, perhaps a tad above the speed limit, a dog suddenly darts across the road. You skid, fall, and narrowly avoid colliding with a car. But you emerge unscathed.

What would you have felt? Your mind would be swirling with thoughts – "Mom was right. Today is a bad day. I should have stayed home."

Now, let's tweak one detail. Instead of your mom's warning, imagine she said, "Today is your lucky day." And picture the same scenario unfolding.

How would you feel this time? Grateful, perhaps. "Thank goodness nothing worse happened. It was my lucky day today. I better head to the office soon."

So, what's my point, you ask? It's all about perspective. It's all about how you choose to interpret things. You don't need calendars or external validations. The secret ingredient? Positivity. If you approach situations with a positive mindset, no bad situation can truly harm you. But if you dwell on the negatives, you'll find problems even in the good things that happen to you.

Use these insights as a tool – just like when you're torn between decisions and resort to flipping a coin. But remember, you can influence the outcome based on what you truly desire. So, use astrology to enrich your life, not to hinder it.

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Just another guy in the rat race trying to balance this world.

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